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How to play with cats: learn how to interact with your furry friend

If you’re wondering how to play with cats, don’t worry. We consulted an expert who gave us some tips on how to have fun with your cat in a healthy and entertaining way. Read on to find out more.

The importance of play

Even among geckos, kittens often get the reputation of being lazy. However, although it’s true that mustachioed cats are fans of a good nap, it’s important to emphasize the importance of play.

When they do this, they gain numerous physical and emotional benefits, becoming healthier, calmer and happier.

How to play with cats

Although furry animals are very mischievous, you need to know how to play with cats to get them interested in the activity.


As cats like to play hunting games, movement is essential. However, this doesn’t mean just shaking the toy to attract their attention. You need to simulate prey, making movements that resemble a small animal.

A great tip on how to play with kittens and adult cats is to imitate a small animal fleeing into hiding. The kitty will be excited to find the target. Whether it’s a bird, a mouse or a butterfly, the important thing is to make light, careful and realistic movements.


When thinking about how to play with kittens, another important point is to calculate the distance from the object. Dr. Juliana points out that prey doesn’t normally jump in the cat’s face expecting to be hit.

To simulate a small animal and attract their attention, place the toy in a suitable location. In addition, the expert explains that cats see better at a distance of one or two meters, which is a great place to start playing!


Playing with cats can be a lot of fun, but it takes time. As you have to simulate a small prey, you literally have to play a game of cat and mouse.

So be patient. It can take long minutes for the kitty to peek out, observe your movements and prepare a strategy before finally attacking the toy.

However, it’s important to respect their time and not try to speed up the process. These movements are part of cats’ instincts and are great stimuli for their physical and mental health!

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